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During the 2019 Legislative Session, Nevada Democrats held a trifecta for the first time in 28 years: controlling the Governor’s mansion, the State Senate, and the State Assembly. As a result, we enacted an ambitious, progressive agenda that included collective bargaining for state employees, equal pay for equal work, background checks on private gun sales, and paid time off for private employees. We increased our state’s Renewable Portfolio Standards and passed the largest education budget in our state’s history.

Nevada Senate Democrats won a Majority in the State Senate in 2016. In 2018, we expanded that Majority and currently hold 13 of 21 seats. In order to continue passing the types of policies that ensure an even playing field for all Nevada families, it is imperative that we maintain and expand our Majority in the 2020 elections.

what we do

The Nevada Senate Democratic Caucus is dedicated to creating a stronger future for all Nevadans. Our members work together during session to pass legislation that will improve the lives of Nevada’s hardworking families. The Caucus also works together to recruit and elect Democratic leaders to the State Senate in districts across the state in order to protect our Democratic Majority.

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